If you want to succeed as an affiliate then every page you write must have a clear goal. If you write just because you feel like writing, people will read what you wrote and you'll surprised that you won't be getting much of those all important affiliate commissions for all your efforts.
Before you set out to write a word of a page on your website or newsletter, make sure you have a clear-cut response you want from your readers. In very simple terms...
What is the single most important action you want this reader to take after reading this piece$%:
Number of instances:
I know your ultimate is to make the sale. But, hey, be careful. Your work as an affiliate is not to make them buy. It is to make them be in the best frame of mind to buy from your merchant.
Now, depending on what your merchant is selling and how expensive it is, your Most Wanted Response might not be to send them to your merchant. It may be just for them to subscribe to an autoresponder course that will give more information and in the process make it lot more likely for them to make a purchase.
As simple as this looks, it will affect your writing a lot more than anything else. Your writing will have a strong purpose. And believe me, nothing makes a message more compelling than when it has a clear mission.
Some articles:
It also helps keep your writing focused. And a focused piece always produces better results. And because you've given some thought to what you want a page to achieve, it will be a lot easier to do what is required to make that page achieve it.